Step 1: Drag and drop the Disqus Comment Section icon to your canvas.
In the Elements Panel, under the Plugins dropdown, you can find the Disqus Comment Section icon. Drag it to the canvas and place it where you wish your comment section to be.
Step 2: Setup.
In order to setup the comment section, click the Manage button in the Properties Panel.
Now log in or create an account with Disqus.
The next step is creating a profile for your site. If you already have a site, access it under “Your Sites”.
If not, create one now. Click the setting icon and then “Add Disqus To Site”.
Click “Start Using Engage” or “Install on Your Site”
Now create your site’s profile.
Here You’ll insert the site’s name - this cannot be changed later, so choose with care, the URL, which will automatically be your site’s name, and a category.
After the creation is complete, navigate to “Basic”, under “Setup” in the menu.
Scroll down to find your site’s short name, and copy it.
Step 3: Paste your website’s shortname in the studio.
Now you’ll need to insert the shortname you just copied for your site in the Properties Panel in the correct field.
Step 4: Publish.
To finish, Publish your site.
Step 5: Create unique discussions for every page.
If you wish to have a different discussion for every page in your website, right click the element on the canvas and choose "Repeat On All Pages".