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How do I use the Layers Panel?
How do I use the Layers Panel?

The Webydo Layers Panel is your tool for organizing all the Elements in your Studio.

Webydo Support avatar
Written by Webydo Support
Updated over a year ago

How are my Layers Sorted?

Each Element that you add to your Canvas gets added as a Layer within your Layers Panel.
Elements are sorted into 3 main folders:

Top Level, Content, and Footer.


Elements are automatically sorted into these main folders based on their attributes and placement on the page. 

The Content and Footer Folders contain elements located in their respective sections of the page. Content Elements located in the Content folder, and Footer Elements located in the Footer folder. 

The Top Level Folder on the other hand, contains all elements that are Pinned or have Parallax Animation. Pinned and Parallax elements get placed on their own layer above both Content and Footer, that is why they require their own folder. 


What Can I do with the Layers Panel? 

The Layers Panel allows you to organize and keep track of all your Elements. 

You can Lock, Group, Delete, Repeat, Pin, Anchor, add Parallax, Rename, Order and Hide Elements all within the Layers Panel. 


How do I Lock a Layer? 

Select your Element/Layer and click the Lock icon in the lower left corner of the Layers Panel. 

This will lock your element so that it cannot be edited or selected in the Studio. 

How do I Rename a Layer? 

Double click the Element/Layer Name to rename it. 

Click enter once done to save the new name.

How do I Group Layers? 

Hold shift to select multiple elements at once in the Studio

Click the Group Icon located in the lower left corner of the Layers Panel 


How do I change the order of my Layers? 

Click and drag your Layer up or down to change the order of your Layers. 


How do I hide an Element? 

Select your Element/Layer and click the Eye icon located to the left of the Layer Name. 

This will hide the Layer from your Studio and from the Published Site. 

How do I Delete a Layer? 

Select your Element/Layer that you wish to delete, and click the Trash Can icon or delete in your Keyboard. 


How do I Repeat a Layer? 

Select your Element/Layer and click the Repeat icon located in the lower right corner of the Layers Panel

Or you can choose the element on the page and right click. On the pop up select Repeat On All Pages

A popup will appear where you can select which pages to repeat the element on then click Save. 

Once done, you will see the outline of the element turn blue. 

How do I Pin a Layer? 

Select your Element/Layer and click the Pin icon located in the lower right corner of the Layers Panel

Once done, you will see the outline of the element turn blue and a pin icon appear next to the element and layer name.


How do I Anchor a Layer? 

Select your Element/Layer and click the Anchor icon located in the lower right corner of the Layers Panel

A popup will appear where you can name your Anchor. 

Once set an anchor icon appear next to the element and layer name.

Click here to learn how to link to Anchors. 




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