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Thumbnails Gallery

The Thumbnails Gallery displays a gallery of images in a manual or automatic slide-show fashion.

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Written by Webydo Support
Updated over a year ago

How to edit the design

Use the Properties Panel to edit all design fields for the galleries. 

How to add & delete images

Click on Manage, or double click the gallery to open the Manage Gallery window. 

  • Add images by clicking the + Add Images button. 

  • Delete all images at once using the Delete All button.

  • Replace an existing image using the Replace Image button. 

  • Click and drag the images to re-arrange their order.

  • Click on the trash can icon when hovering over an image to delete a specific image from the gallery. 

  • Edit the Title and Description for each image within the gallery - these are what displays as the caption. 

Gallery Properties

Image Fitting

Cover tells the browser to make sure the image always covers the entire container, even if it has to stretch the image or cut a little bit off one of the edges.

Contain, on the other hand, says to always show the whole image, even if that leaves a little space to the sides or bottom.

Turn on or off the Arrows Navigation and Autoplay Transition by unchecking the respective boxes. 

Image Transition and Hover Effects

Use the Image Transition dropdown to set your Image Transition effect

Edit your Transition Speed using the transition delay option.

Text Properties

Display Text

Use this dropdown to set which text is displayed within the gallery. This text is the same text entered into the Manage Gallery window.

Paragraph Styles

Use the dropdown option to set the paragraph style used for Title and Description.
This style sets the Font, size, color and all paragraph style settings for your Title and Description.

Text Transition and Delay

Use the dropdown to set your transition animation.
Transition delay is the time between transitions, and transition duration is the time it takes for the effect to take place. 

Text Position

Use the Vertical and Horizontal position inputs to set the relative position of your Title and Description text for the gallery. 


Edit the background color as well as the stroke color of the thumbnails section at the bottom of the gallery. 

Preview or Publish to see your amazing Galleries in action. 

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